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licence fee 牌照費。

licence plate

The official receipts of the licence fees together with the photograph and signature of the licensee were included as part of driving licence 執照費的正式收據、執照持有人的相片及簽署,亦屬駕駛執照的一部份。

The licence fee is hk $ 5 , 500 , covering a period not exceeding 3 years . the licence is valid on the date of payment 牌照費用為港幣5 , 500元。牌照的有效期不超過3年,由繳付費用的日期起生效。

It will reduce the above first registration tax and licence fee ; if so , of the details ; if not , the reasons for that 會否調低上述稅率及牌照費;若會,詳情為何;若否,原因為何?

In order to curb such conversions , the first registration tax and licence fee for vans were increased in 1991 為遏止上述改裝情況,政府于1991年調高客貨車的首次登記稅率及牌照費。

Subcommittee on hotel and guesthouse accommodation revision of licence fees regulation 2007 agenda 28 june 2007 2007年旅館業調整牌照費用規例小組委員會會議議程2007年6月28日

The new licence fee , if endorsed by the legislative council , will come into effect from july 1 , 2002 若建議獲立法會通過,署方將于今年七月一日起實施是項牌照的新收費。

Consultation on proposed reduction of licence fee for fixed carrier licences operating external telecommunications services only 調低只提供對外服務的固定傳送者牌照費諮詢

For applicants over the age of 60 - licence fee for every year or any part thereof of validity period 申請人年超過60歲-就有效期的每一年而言牌費不足一年的零數亦作一年計

Together with 0 . 2 billion from other income mainly bank licence fee , total income amounted to 44 . 8 billion 加上2億元的其他收入主要來自銀行牌照費,總收入達448億元。

Television royalty and licence fees amendment regulation 1997 l . n . 188 of 1997 commencement notice 1997 16 . 1997年電視專營權費及牌照費修訂規例1997年第188號法律公告

Legal service division report on the hotel and guesthouse accommodation revision of licence fees regulation 2007 有關2007年旅館業調整牌照費用規例的法律事務部報告

The management fee and licence fee income received by m ltd . will be fully subject to hong kong profits tax M有限公司收取的管理費及特許費須全部繳納香港利得稅。

Message boards , chat and communities , lifestyle advice and information on the use of licence fee money -網站包含英國生活介紹,留學信息,英語教學等欄目。

Vehicle licence fees 車輛牌照費

New conditions for massage establishment licences and proposed increase in licence fee 有關按摩院牌照的新規定及擬議增加牌費事宜

Successful licence applicant will receive a notice for payment of licence fee 成功獲發牌的申請人將收到一份繳付牌照費通知書。

Driving licence fees 駕駛執照費用

Ofta licence fee 電訊管理局牌照費用

Licence fee for every year or any part thereof of validity period 就有效期的每一年而言牌費(不足一年的零數亦作一年計)